
  1. Lei, Xiaoxia, Yixing Chen, and Ananya Sen, “Trade-offs in Leveraging External Data Capabilities: A Field Experiment in Search,” forthcoming in Management Science. SSRN

  1. Hou, Liwen*, Xinxue Qu*, Yixing Chen, and Ling Xue, “Strategizing Value-Added Services for Platform Firms,” forthcoming in Production and Operations Management.

  1. Chen, Yixing, Shrihari Sridhar, Kyuhong Han, Sonam Singh, Vikas Mittal, and Taehoon Im (2024), “The Value of Safety Training for Business-to-Business Firms,” Journal of Marketing Research, 61 (4), 742-759. Link; Appendix

  1. Singal, Amit G., Yixing Chen, Shrihari Sridhar, Vikas Mittal, Hannah Fullington, Muzeeb Shaik, Akbar K. Waljee and Jasmin Tiro (2022), “Novel Application of Predictive Modeling: Identifying Patients for a Tailored Approach to Promoting HCC Surveillance in Patients with Cirrhosis,” Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 20 (8), 1795–1802. Link

    • 2023 Impact Factor: 11.6 (9/143 among Gastroenterology/Hepatology journals).

  1. Chen, Yixing, Vikas Mittal, and Shrihari Sridhar (2021), “Investigating the Academic Performance and Disciplinary Consequences of School District Internet Access Spending,” Journal of Marketing Research, 58 (1), 141-162. Link; Appendix
    • Distinguished Winner, 2023 AMA-EBSCO-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Marketing
    • Finalist, 2021 Paul E. Green Award (JMR Best Paper Award)
    • Top 1% of the Attention Scores of all research outputs tracked by Altmetric

  1. Chen, Yixing, Shrihari Sridhar, and Vikas Mittal (2021), “Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Randomized Field Experiments: A Methodological Comparison and Public Policy Implications,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40 (4), 457–62 (Invited Article). Link

  1. Chen, Yixing, Ju-Yeon Lee, Shrihari Sridhar, Vikas Mittal, Katharine McCallister, and Amit G. Singal (2020), “Improving Cancer Outreach Effectiveness through Targeting and Economic Assessments: Insights from a Randomized Field Experiment,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (3), 1–27 (Lead Article). Link; Appendix
    • Inaugural Winner, Financial Times Responsible Business Education Award on Academic Research
    • Finalist, 2022 AMA-EBSCO-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Marketing
    • Finalist, 2020 AMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award (JM Best Paper Award)
    • Invited for JM Webinar Series: Insights for Managers and Notre Dame 3-Minute Lightning Talk
    • Top 2% of the Attention Scores of all research outputs tracked by Altmetric

  1. Kanuri, Vamsi K., Yixing Chen, and Shrihari Sridhar (2018), “Scheduling Content on Social Media: Theory, Evidence, and Application,” Journal of Marketing, 82 (6), 89–108. Link; Appendix
    • Finalist, 2018 AMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award (JM Best Paper Award)

  1. Pickard, Matthew D., Catherine A. Roster, and Yixing Chen (2016), “Revealing Sensitive Information in Personal Interviews: Is Self-Disclosure Easier with Humans or Avatars and Under What Conditions,” Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 23–30. Link

*Equal Contribution


Working Papers

  1. Chen, Yixing, John P. Costello, John P. Lalor, and Xin Luo (2025), “Guiding Users to Complete Online Reviews Through the Positioning of Multidimensional Ratings,” working paper.

  2. Zheng, Shuang, John P. Lalor, and Yixing Chen (2025), “Designing Fairness-aware Recommender Systems through Dynamic Graph Neural Networks”, working paper.

  3. Tong, Siliang, Shuang Zheng, Yixing Chen, Shrihari Sridhar, and Xianneng Li (2024), “Choice Architecture for a Better On-Demand Economy: A Field Experiment on Rating Disclosure in Mobile Search”, working paper. Link

  4. Ma, Mingjie, Siliang Tong, Yixing Chen, and Kim Huat Goh (2025), “The Public Health Impact of the Private Fitness Industry,” working paper.

  5. Li, Wenchang, John P. Lalor, Yixing Chen, and Vamsi K. Kanuri (2024), “From Stars to Insights: Exploration and Implementation of Unified Sentiment Analysis with Distant Supervision”, working paper. Link

  6. Chen, Yixing, Taehoon Im, Muzeeb Shaik, Narendra Bosukonda, Sonam Singh, Markus Blut, Vikas Mittal, Shrihari Sridhar, and Amit G. Singal (2021), “The Association of Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Care: Theory, Evidence, and Application,” resting paper.


Non-refereed Publications

  1. Chen, Yixing (2021), “Three Ways Nonprofits Grow Revenues,” Impact at JMR. Link

  2. Kanuri, Vamsi K., Shrihari Sridhar, and Yixing Chen (2018), “A Study Shows the Best Times of Day to Post to Social Media,” Harvard Business Review (Digital Article). Link